Supreme Technocracy of Halley

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The Supreme Technocracy of Halley (or ST Halley for short), is a spacefaring micronation that was established on the 29th of December, 2020 AD. The Technocracy is currently claiming the land of Halley's Comet. Its ruler is currently Lord Protector Zefi I, which was the nation’s founding father. There is no official religion, as the government of Halley believe that Halley should have diversity in its nation.


ST Halley is based on a technocratic government, where the majority of people reject mythology and believes in science instead of deities. Halley has banned tobacco manufacturing and distribution, along with harmful substances and alcohol. Halley is progressive in the eyes of others for civil rights, as it basically has no discrimination in the workplace or in its justice system.

Information about Halley:

Halley has a black and yellow flag and emblem, representing the void of space and the stars. Its anthem is Rondo Alla Turca, by Mozart. To become a citizen, you must be in some sort of contact with the Lord Protector personally. Internet inhabitants who apply will be denied instantly.