Snagovian language

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  regions where Snagovian was the language of the majority
  regions where Snagovian was the language of a significant minority
PronunciationSnagoveană [snaɡɔvɛanɤ]
Native toSnagov
ExtinctEnd of 19th century
RevivalBeggining of 21st century (L2 users: c.110)
Cyrillic (Snagovian alphabet), Latin (Snagovian alphabet)
Official status
Official language in
Regulated byMinistry of Culture of the Republic of Snagov

Snagovian (снаговєанъ, snagoveanŭ, pronounced [snaɡɔvɛanɤ] About this sound (Listen) ) is a South Slavic language spoken in Southeastern Europe, primarily in Snagov. It was the native language of the Snagovians. It went extinct in the later half of the 19th century and efforts to revive it began at the start of the 2000's.

Along with the closely related Bulgarian and Macedonian languages (collectively forming the East South Slavic languages), it is a member of the Balkan sprachbund and South Slavic dialect continuum of the Indo-European language family. It has been heavily influenced by the neighbouring Romance, Turkic and Finno-Ugric language families.

It has been the official language of the Snagovian People's Republic since the state's foundation on 18 June 2020.



Letter Name
 #  Snagovian Cyrillic Snagovian Latin English


IPA Snagovian Cyrillic Snagovian Latin English


 1 А A A [a] Аз Az Az [az]
 2 Б B B [b] Бучє Buče Buche [but͡ʃɛ]
 3 В V V [v] Вєдє Vede Vede [vɛdɛ]
 4 Д D D [d] Добру Dobru Dobru [dɔbru]
 5 Г G G [ɡ] Глагол Glagol Glagol [ɡlaɡɔl]
 6 Є E E [ɛ] Єст Est Est [ɛst]
 7 Ж Ž J [ʒ] Жувєтє Žuzete Juvete [ʒuvɛtɛ]
 8 Џ Dj [d͡ʒ] Џалу Džalu Djalu [d͡ʒalu]
 9 З Z Z [z] Зємлє Zemle Zemle [zemlɛ]
 10 И I I [i] Ижє Iže Ije [iʒɛ]
 11 Ј J Y [j] Ижє кѫс Iže kęs Ije kes [iʒɛ kɨs]
 12 К K K [k] Како Kako Kako [kack]
 13 Л L L [l] Людє Ljude Lyude [ljudɛ]
 14 М M M [m] Мислєтє Mislete Mislete [mislɛtɛ]
 15 Н N N [n] Наш Naš Nash [naʃ]
 16 О O O [ɔ] Он On On [ɔn]
 17 П P P [p] Покој Pokoj Pokoy [pɔkɔj]
 18 Р R R [r] Рѫци Ręci Retsi [rɨt͡si]
 19 С S S [s] Словъ Slovŭ Slova [slɔvɤ]
 20 Т T T [t] Тѫвєрду Tęverdu Teverdu [tɨvɛrdu]
 21 Ф F F [f] Фрѫта Fręta Freta [frɨta]
 22 Х H H [x] Хєру Heru Heru [xɛru]
 23 Ш Š Sh [ʃ] Ша Ša Sha [ʃa]
 24 Щ Št Sht [ʃt] Шта Šta Shta [ʃta]
 25 Ц C Ts [t͡s] Ци Ci Tsi [t͡si]
 26 Ч Č Ch [t͡ʃ] Чєрву Červu Chervu [t͡ʃɛrvu]
 27 Ѯ Ks Ks [ks] Иѯ Iks Iks [iks]
 28 Ъ Ŭ A [ɤ] Јєру Jeru Yeru [Jɛru]
 29 Ѫ Ę E [ɨ] Јусу Jusu Yusu [Jusu]
 30 Я Ja Ya [ja] Ја Ja Ya [ja]
 31 Ѥ Je Ye [jɛ] Јє Je Ye [jɛ]
 32 Ю Ju Yu [ju] Ју Ju Yu [ju]