Sekany language

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Лангя Секанй
Langya Sekany

Regulated byDavid I of Varina
Spoken inRepublic of Ultamiya
Total speakers0
Flag of the Sekany language. Notice that the circle surrounding the language name has the six colors of the three primary Russian-speaking countries: Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus.

The Sekany language is a former Ultamian constructed language invented by David I of Varina inspired by the Russian language. Sekany did not borrow any words from Russian, but rather was designed to sound somewhat like Russian in common speech, and did borrow some grammar rules from English, Russian, and to an extent French. Sekany was the fourth attempt at forming a successful Ultamian conlang, though in practice it was more of a personal rather than a national development. Sekany was created around August 20, 2012, when David began learning the Cyrillic alphabet. The first time Sekany was officially used was on August 24, 2012, in an Advanced Placement Physics class (Лапинитяез Фисикий, Lapinityayez Fisikiy). Until the end of the year, the language was in active development, with new words and rules being added to the language every week. Sekany eventually became a hot subject of debate among experienced linguists regarding its status as a conlang, but the language was soon abandoned because of disinterest.

Sekany derived its name from Sekanno, a Japanese-inspired third conlang attempt, which itself was a combination of the previous two conlangs, Secret, a Japanese-inspired conlang, and Bakan, a backwards-English hybrid.

Sekany utilized both Cyrillic and Latin scripts, though only Cyrillic was official.


Sekany utilized the Russian alphabet, minus the letters Ё, Щ, Ъ, and Ь (the latter two were deemed unnecessary because they were only modifiers) and thus had 29 letters in its alphabet. The letters' Latin translation is shown in parentheses:

  • Аa (Aa)
  • Бб (Bb)
  • Цц ("Ts")
  • Дд (Dd)
  • Ээ (Ee)
  • Фф (Ff)
  • Гг (Gg)
  • Хх (Hh)
  • Ии (Ii)
  • Йй (Long/Consonant Yy)
  • Жж ("Zh")
  • Кк (Kk)
  • Лл (Ll)
  • Мм (Mm)
  • Нн (Nn)
  • Оo (Oo)
  • Пп (Pp)
  • Чч ("Ch")
  • Рp (Rr)
  • Шш ("Sh")
  • Сc (Ss)
  • Тт (Tt)
  • Уу (Uu)
  • Вв (Vv)
  • Ыы (Short Yy)
  • Яя ("Ya")
  • Еe ("Ye")
  • Юю ("Yu")
  • Зз (Zz)


Sekany's grammar rules were never completed, however various parts of speech had detailed rules in place.


Nouns in Sekany functioned like other languages in that they identified a person, place, or thing.

  • Like Russian, there were no articles in Sekany. (a, an, the)
  • The plural form of a noun was the noun with an attached -ий (-iy) unless the noun ended with a vowel (A, Э, И, Й, O, and Ы) in which case the vowel was replaced by the plural form, or the consonants Я, Е, and Ю. If the latter case applied, the letter was replaced with Й and the plural form was attached. (Examples: Зидыф (Zidyf, Apple) -> Зидыфий (Zidyfiy, Apples); Кaлaмa (Kalama, Squid) -> Кaлaмий (Kalamiy, Squid); Сaжия (Sazhiya, Flag (or banner)) -> Сaжийий (Sazhiyiy, Flags)



Sekany, like English, used subject pronouns:

  • I - Hа (Na)
  • You - Hис (Nis)
  • We/Us - Hоб (Nob)
  • He - Xис (His)
  • She/It - Cиc (Sis)
  • They/Them - Hода (Noda)

The word Hис (Nis) was, like in English, used both singularly and plurally.


Adjectives modified nouns.

  • Singular adjectives were attached on to the end of a noun.

(Example: видез (vidyez) - good day (vid meaning day, and yez meaning good, or advanced))

  • When more than one adjective was present, only the one closest to the noun was made a suffix, with the rest coming before the noun phrase.


Prepositional phrases never existed in Sekany. Rather, the phrase was made one word, with the preposition attached to the end of the object.

  • Prepositions outweighed adjectives. When adjectives are present in a prepositional phrase in English, in Sekany the preposition would be on the noun, with all adjectives coming before the noun phrase. This was different from a situation where there were just adjectives to avoid confusion.

(Example: постэрно (posterno) - on a poster/on the poster)


Verbs described an action or a state of being.

  • Present-tense verb conjugations did not exist, however they did exist for past and future tense, which were again verb suffixes:
    • Eм (Yem) - Past tense
    • Mэй (Mey) - Future tense


Adverbs modified verbs.

  • Adverbs functioned exactly like adjectives, but for verbs.

Common phrases

These were phrases that would be used in everyday conversation in Sekany:

  • Hello! - Parivem! (Паривэм!)
  • Goodbye! - Vidyez! (Bидез!)
  • Yes - Yap (Яп)
  • No - Ni (Hи)
  • Welcome! - Aksiya! (Аксия!)
  • Please - Dylotyu (Дылотю)
  • Thank you - Haluzet (Халузэт) OR Halulet (Халулэт)