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Peacetown is the largest administrative division of Duaktoserija. Its approximate size is 130 square meters. It has a population of 9.


Peacetown is the first administrative division in Duaktoserija. Nine citizens are living in Peacetown. Peacetown is the home of the first president and also the home for Duaktoserija`s biggest working company. It is Duaktoserijan News. Duaktoserijan News has a special place on the website of Duaktoserija just for them. There are a lot of activities planned for Peacetown in the months to come. Peacetown is also the home of the largest city and also the capital of Duaktoserija. On 24 January 2017, Peacetown became a twin city with Farrar City, the capital of the Farrar Republic

The name

Duaktoserija wanted to promote micronational and macronational peace. This is the reason why the presidents give it such a name. Also the candidate name for the micronation was Peacolandia. When it was decided that the official name of the micronation would be Duaktoserija, the name Peacolandia was a little bit changed to become Peacetown.


There is only one football club in Peacetown. That is Seven Swords.


Ministry of Defence planned to make the military camp of Duaktoserijan Armed Forces in Peacetown in the summer. Peacetown is also the headquarters of Duaktoserijan Armed Forces. There are two units stationed in Peacetown:

-1st Infantry Squad

-3rd Infantry Squad

See also


Duaktoserijan Armed Forces
