National parks of Cheslovia

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Cheslovia has many national parks, these are difined by the Cheslovian Federal government as "areas of natural beauty which will be protected from urban development by the Cheslov government". Here is a list of national parks with additional information:

Musorov National Park

This is the main National Park of Cheslovia and is classified by the Cheslovian government as the most beautiful. It is situated in the centre of Musorov and contains two Cheslovian landmarks: the Musorov Library and Drakon Statue.

Tamislav National Park

Tamislav National Park is located in Novogrodsk Krai, it is the second largest park in Cheslovia after Musorov National Park, the area is protected from urban development due to diverse wild life.

Stettin National Park

Stettin National Park is the smallest park in Cheslovia, it is known for its collection of different flowers.

Other parks

  1. Ashimov National Park
  2. Novakski National Park
  3. Rachynski National Park
  4. Kazimizh National Park

See also

  1. Cheslovian City squares