Laws of the Kingdom of Titan

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Citizenship act (No longer in force, replaced with the migration/refugee act)

Summary of the act: Citizen’s have to apply for citizenship by emailing the government email with a photo, reason for citizenship and full name.

Military enrolment act (Passed on the 6th of December 2020)

Summary of the act: The minimum legal age for enrolment in the military is 10.

District act (passed on the 7th of December 2020)

Summary of act: The Kingdom of Titan is divided into 4 districts. Districts can have their own ‘state guard’ to protect their district from criminals. ‘State guard’ can not pass from district to district while trying to catch a criminal. Districts can use their ‘state guard’ to protect their state from other districts that are threatening their state.

Minimum wage act (passed on 9th of December 2020)

Summary of act: The minimum wage per hour is 13 TNM.

Marriage act (passed on the 15th of December 2020)

Summary of act: The marriage of two people is allowed in the Kingdom of Titan. This marriage can be a heterosexual or homosexual in nature. However the marriage between a human and a animal is not allowed.

Theft act (passed on the 15th of December 2020)

Summary of act: Taking another person’s or organisation's belongings is classified as theft. Theft will not be allowed in the Kingdom of Titan and has a maximum penalty of death.

Hacking act (passed on the 15th of December 2020)

Summary of act: The remote or not remote use of electronics without permission of the owner is classified as hacking. Hacking will not be allowed in The Kingdom of Titan.

Protesting act (passed on the 15th of December 2020)

Summary of act: Protesting is not allowed in The Kingdom of Titan the only exception is protesting events. Protesting events can be registered but has to be approved by the governor of the district that the event will take place. Protesting outside these events can be punishable by 1 year jail time.

Alcohol act (passed on the 16th of December 2020)

Summary of act: Vodka is allowed to be consumed by people over the age of 13, but all other alcohol can only be consumed by people over of 18. You can not drive under the influence of alcohol.

Military Training act (No longer in force)

Summary of act: All citizens must do a week of basic training for the military.

Military Tax Relief act (passed on the 16th of December 2020)

Summary of act: If you are active member of the military you get relief on 1 tax of your choice.

Drugs act (passed on the 16th of December 2020)

Summary of act: All drugs but sugar are illegal unless you get a permit from a registered doctor of The Kingdom of Titan.

Treason act (passed on 16th of December)

Summary of act: It’s treason google it. If you are found guilty you become a enemy of the state and the punishment is reparation to The Kingdom of Titan.

Tax act (passed on the 16th of December 2020)

Summary of act: All taxes must be payed otherwise you can be charged with tax evasion. The taxes a citizen is required to pay are:

  • GST tax
  • income tax
  • imports tax
  • the purchase of alcohol tax
  • property tax
  • payroll tax
  • public transport tax
  • road fees

Murder act (passed on 21st of December)

Summary of act: No human being can kill another human in The Kingdom of Titan. Also if a animal you own kill’s another human you will be charged. If found guilty the highest penalty is death.

Abuse act (passed on 23rd of December)

Summary of act: Abuse (sexual, online, physical and verbal) is not allowed in The Kingdom of Titan. Punishment depends on type.

Divorce act (passed on 25th of December)

Summary of act: People in a marriage can divorce in this divorce all items owned are split in half.

Abortion act (passed on 28th of December)

Summary of act: Abortion is legal in The Kingdom of Titan.

Fraud act (passed on 30th of December)

Summary of act: No Fraud!!!

Weapons act (passed on 31st of December)

Summary of act: All weapons in The Kingdom of Titan must be registered and documented by the government and a reason for the use of this weapon is required. Automatic weapons are banned and semi-automatic weapons require a special permit. People who purchase weapons must be subjected to mental examination to prove if they are worthy of a weapon.

Military Crime act (passed on 1st of January)

Summary of act: If you commit a war crime or break another law while in the military you will be charged and likely be discharged from the military.

Election act (passed on 1st of January)

Summary of act: Citizens can choose if they participate in district/national elections. Citizens can only vote once in a district/state election. You also may not fake your identity as someone imaginary or someone who has not voted.

Environmental act (passed on 1st of January)

Summary of act: Dumping of items not in a bin or a dump site can result in a 300TNM fine (this does not include dumping items in a household). Extermination of national species is not allowed without a permit issued by The Kingdom of Titan government (this does not include pests)

Law placement act (passed on 2nd of January)

Summary of act: Our King/Queen can place in laws without running it past the House of commons or the house of the parties, as long as the elect agrees. All laws introduced by a party must go through the house of the commons and the house of the parties before it is put in place.

Refugee/migration act (passed on 3rd of January)

Summary of act: All those wanting to live in The Kingdom of Titan temporarily or permanently must fill out a application request to The Kingdom of Titan government and have it approved. People who skip the queue by going to The Kingdom of Titan without filling out the application and having it approved, then claiming by international law you are allowed in The Kingdom of Titan will be moved to the nearest refugee/asylum seeker camp that they will remain in until The Kingdom of Titan government approves their entry. If not granted approval then they will be put back on the next flight to their country. The Kingdom of Titan has the right to collect your personal data for your passport.

Overseas investment or ownership of land act (passed on 3rd of January)

Summary of act: No overseas investment or ownership of land is allowed.

Terrorism act (passed on 3rd of January)

Summary of act: Any person or group found guilty of plotting or committing terrorism in The Kingdom of Titan will result in a life sentence.

Court act (passed on 3rd of January)

Summary of act: Any one accused of committing a crime will have a trail to determine if they did commit the crime. The final decision will be made by the chief of justice for higher crimes (prison time). Lower crimes (fines) do not require a court case the fine will just be given. Bail is allowed in court, the bail amount depends on the crime.

Driving act (passed on 3rd of January)

Summary of act: Anyone wishing to drive must be over the age of 13 and have completed a driving assessments and not failed. People under the age of 18 while driving must have a L plate on their car. The Kingdom of Titan drives on the left side. All people driving in The Kingdom of Titan must follow road rules.

Broadcasting act (passed on 4th of January)

Summary of act: Any frequency broadcasting in The Kingdom of Titan requires a permit from The Kingdom of Titan government same as any broadcasting device needs a permit.

Bankruptcy act (passed on 5th of January)

Summary of act: If you are fined or owe someone money but you do not have the money needed to pay you can declare bankruptcy. If you declare bankruptcy other items or properties of yours may be sold to get the money required to pay. If that does not add up to the money needed to pay then you give them everything you have anyway.

Family/spiritual items act (passed on 6th of January)

Summary of act: If you are in a situation such as bankruptcy or a divorce where you need to sell or split your belongings and a item of historical or spiritual importance you may declare it so you don’t have to sell it because of bankruptcy or have it listed as a belonging in a divorce (the government will assess if it is of historical or spiritual value).

Vehicle registration act (passed on 7th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone owning a vehicle must register it with The Kingdom of Titan government.

Money act (passed on 8th of January)

Summary of act: TNM (Titan National Money) is the currency of The Kingdom of Titan. No citizen can try to replicate or make new TNM notes or TNM coins without permission from the king himself. Punishment depends on how much money you made.

National emergency act (passed on 9th of January)

Summary of act: In the event of a nation wide emergency the elect and the king can place in new laws that need to be about the emergency.

Zone act (passed on 10th of January)

Summary of act: The Kingdom of Titan is based into 4 districts each one of those districts has multiple zones (residential, industrial, commercial and public). These zones are in place to make rules around what you can build and where. Zones can be viewed at this page —- Kingdom of Titan building zones

Building permit act (passed on 11th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone wanting to build on their land must acquire a building permit from The Kingdom of Titan government.

Nuclear act (passed on 12th of January)

Summary of act: Nuclear substances can not enter The Kingdom of Titan without a permit directly approved by the king himself. The fine if you bring nuclear substances into The Kingdom of Titan without a permit is 90 years jail time. Detention of a nuclear weapon in The Kingdom of Titan or The Kingdom of Titan EEZ is banned. The fine if you detonate a nuclear weapon is execution.

Postal act (passed on 13th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone wanting to post mail using The Kingdom of Titan mail service must have a return address on the outside of the package also a approved postal stamp on the outside of the package.

Passport act (passed on 13th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone wanting to enter The Kingdom of Titan must have a passport, this passport can be a The Kingdom of Titan passport or a passport from another country/micronation.

The Kingdom of Titan Passport act (passed on 13th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone wanting to get a The Kingdom of Titan passport must do a application form online.

Space act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Any rocket in The Kingdom of Titan must be registered by The Kingdom of Titan government. Rockets can only be launched at a registered Kingdom of Titan launchpad. Rocket launched involving living animals/people must be declared to The Kingdom of Titan government, then a full inspection of the rocket by The Kingdom of Titan authorities must happen before launch. The Kingdom of Titan humanitarian council also must find out if the spaceflight with a person or a animal is humane. Payloads of the rocket also need to be registered and inspected by The Kingdom of Titan government. Any payload with weapons on board is banned by The Kingdom of Titan and a violation to the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 and must be destroyed.

Boarder Security act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Anyone entering The Kingdom of Titan will have their luggage checked for any of the following, animal, food (200 grams or more), living things and weapons.

Artificial Intelligence act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Artificial intelligence is classed 0-4. 0 level artificial intelligence are virtual assistants as they are not really artificial intelligence. 1 level artificial intelligence are AI not connected to the internet and only has the capability to talk. 2 level artificial intelligence are AI that can complete tasks given by the controller. 3 level artificial intelligence are AI that are aware that they are AI and can make decisions for it self. 4 Level artificial intelligence is AI that is aware it is AI and can reproduce itself. Level 3-4 AI is banned in The Kingdom of Titan, Level 1-2 AI requires a permit from The Kingdom of Titan government, and level 0 AI can be built without a permit.

Viruses and computer bug act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Any construction of computer viruses or bugs need to have a permit. Distribution of computer viruses or bugs are banned.

Mining act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: A permit is required to mine in a property of yours. You can not mine in public zone land (see Zone act).

Aviation act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Any aircraft flying in The Kingdom of Titan airspace must be registered with The Kingdom of Titan government. All planes and helicopters must maintain 300 ft above ground at all time unless they are landing. Drones can fly between 100–250 ft the drone must also not fly within 1 km of a aerodrome unless the drone weight is under 100 grams. All drone regardless of size or weight can not fly within 200m of a aerodrome.

Human ownership act (passed on 19th of January)

Summary of act: You can't use slaves or own another human.

Pet act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Any pet in PRoT must be registered by the district government. You can't own exotic pets (tigers, lions, bears, wolfs).

Tourism tax act (passed on 14th of January)

Summary of act: Any tourist can avoid paying tax if they are not a citizen of The Kingdom of Titan and are only here for under 1 month. You can not live here for 1 month then fly home for a day and come back that's tax fraud.

Democracy act

Summary of act: A law to protect democracy and the will of the people on the Kingdom of Titan, while maintaining the king's authority.

The Executive Branch Definitions Act

Summary of act: An act to clarify the core structure of the Executive Branch of the Kingdom of Titan.

Identity Theft act

Summary of act: No identity theft please.