Papian language

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Regulated byAcademie den Lingui
Spoken inKoss
Total speakersUnknown

Papian or Paupian (Lingui Papianie; Portuguese: Lingua Paupiana) is is a Gallo-Romance language spoken in Koss. Papian is closely related to the Romance languages: French and Franco-Provençal, although it is also lightly influenced by the Luxembourgish, Austro-Bavarian and Nordic languages.

Today, the largest number of Papian speakers reside in the Koss, a south american micronation. The language is protected by the Federal Language Act of 2013 and thus enjoys official status in the State.


The Papian language is a variety of Latin with light influences from Germanic languages. The linguistic region comprimises of the area of the Greater Crasager. These influences may be observed when looking at articles, where in Papian there is no difference between gender. Papian is closely related to Franco-Provençal language and French language


The ascription of Papian to the Occitano-Romance branch of Gallo-Romance languages is not shared by all.

According to Lucas Campos, President of the Academie, Papian is classified the same way as Franco-Provençal and Catalan languages:

On the other side, some say Papian follows the same family tree as Portuguese and Spanish:

Linguistic structure

Typology and syntax

  • Papian is a synthetic language, as are Occitan and Italian. Most verbs have different endings for person, number, and tenses, making the use of the pronoun optional; thus, two grammatical functions are bound together. However, the second person singular verb form regularly requires an appropriate pronoun for distinction.
  • The standard word order for Papian is subject–verb–object (SVO) form in a declarative sentence, for example: Ti parlis Anglais. (You speak English.).


Papian has a grammar similar to that of other Romance languages.

  • Articles have three forms: definite, indefinite, and partitive. Plural definite articles agree in gender with the noun to which they refer, unlike French. Partitive articles are used with w:mass nouns.
Articles: Masculine Definite Feminine Definite Masculine Indefinite Feminine Indefinite
Singular de da un una
Plural des das uns unas

Word comparisons

The chart below compares words in Papian to those in selected Romance languages, with English for reference.

Papian Latin Franco-Provençal French Occitan Catalan Piedmontese Italian Portuguese English
cleve clavis clâ clef / clé clau clau ciav chiave chave key
chanter cantare chantar chanter cantar / chantar cantar cantè cantare cantar to sing
chabra capra cabra / chèvra chèvre cabra / chabra cabra crava capra cabra goat
formajo caseus (formaticus) tôma / fromâjo fromage formatge formatge formag/toma/formaj formaggio queijo cheese
marti dies Martis demârs / demonre mardi dimars dimarts màrtes martedì terça-feira Tuesday
isglejia ecclesia églésé église glèisa església gesia/cesa chiesa igreja church
germano fratrem germanum frâre frère fraire germà fradel/frel fratello irmão brother
ospital hospitalis hèpetâl hôpital espital / espitau hospital ospidal ospedale hospital hospital
lingui lingua lenga langue lenga / lengua llengua lenga lingua lingua language
ma esquetra manum sinistram man gôcho main gauche man esquèrra / man senèstra mà esquerra man snistra mano sinistra mão esquerda left hand
rien nihil ren rien ren / res res nen niente / nulla nada nothing
nuit nox, noctis nuet nuit nuèch / nuèit nit neuit notte noite night
pagar pacare payér payer pagar / paiar pagar paghè pagare pagar to pay
sudar sudor suar sueur susar / suar suor sudé/strassué sudore suar sweat
vidi vita via vie vida vida vita/via vita vida life

Common Words and Phrases

  • Hello (formal): Ola
  • Hi (informal): Oi
  • Greetings: Bienevienu
  • Good Morning: Biene Die
  • Good Night: Biene Nuit
  • Goodbye: Adio
  • Yes:
  • No: No or Non
  • Please: plæri
  • Thank you: merci
  • How are you: Come estes ti?
  • Well: Biene
  • Bad Male
  • How: Come?
  • What/ Which: qi/quel"
  • Where: onde/aonde?
  • Why: pereque?
  • Who: quen?
  • Because: perque
  • With: con
  • And: e
  • But: piro



Nominative (I) Accusative (me) Posessive (my/mine)
I Ji Me Men
You Ti Tun Teu
He Eli El Seu
She Ela El Sua
We Nøs Nøs Nøstre
They Elos/Elas Els Seus

See also