Kjelferlannic order of precedence

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The Kjelferlannic Order of Precedence is the hierarchy of officials in the Government, the list below lists the government ranks in order.

Crowned Ranks - Monarch, King of Kjelferlann
Queen of Kjelferlann
Crowned Prince and Princess
Main Office -
President of the National Assembly
Prime Minister of Kjelferlann
Deputy Prime Minister
Chief of the Supreme Court
Deputy President of the National Assembly
Cabinet (Ministries/Ministers) -
Ministers appointed can be plural for one Ministry
Minister of Finance (Treasury)
Minister of Agriculture and Food
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Minister of Research and Higher Education
Minister of the Local Government and Regional Development
Minister of Defense (Kjelferlannic Armed Forces)
Minister of Environment and International Development
Minister of Trade and Industry
Minister of Labour (R&N)
Minister of Transport and Communications (R&N)
Minister of Justice and the Police
Minister of Culture and Church Affairs
Minister of Health and Care Services
Minister of Petroleum and Energy
Minister of Education
Minister of Coastal Affairs (R&N)
Lord Chaimberlain of Kjelferlann (Court Marshal)
Ambassador to a Foreign Power
National Awards -
Mistress of the Robes
Bearer of the War Cross
Bearer of the Medal of Honor

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