Kingdom of Yavadaiya

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The Queendom of Yavad•ya
The official Yavadaiyan flag as of february 2020
Motto Ref soy ozozeh! (For the kingdom!)
Region Overijssel, The Netherlands
Largest city N/A
Official language(s) Dutch and English as a secondary


Short name Yavadaiya
Demonym Yavadaiyan
Established August of 2019
Area claimed ~0,34km²
Population DD/MM/YYYY
3 03/09/2019
12 16/03/2020
6 02/04/2021
5 01/08/2022
Currency Euro
Time zone (GMT+0:30) in winter

(GMT+1:30) in summer

National sport Tennis
National animal Goldfish

The Queendom of Yavad∙ya, more commonly known as Yavadaiya, is a micronation in The Netherlands and part in France. The nation was founded in the late summer (August) of 2019.

The nation is ruled by a queen, we also have certain citizens in a high position to discuss about laws and rules with.


The nation started in the late summer (August) of 2019 and has gone through some changes.

Our flag changed on 24 february 2020. From a Green, White and Gray to the current: Blue, White and Gray flag.

Flag symbolism

Dark-Blue: The blue stands for nature and the part of our country that lies in france. Therefore it's also relatively large as it is most of our claimed territory, blue also represents trustworthyness and lies close to purple on the colour wheel which represents royalty.

White: Represents peace, neutrality and trade, also acts as a link and bridge between the 2 territories of the country and links them both together as 1.

Dark-Gray: The gray stands for urbanisation and our dedication to infrastructure by providing for our citizens, it also represents the urban area of the country that lays in The Netherlands.

Foreign relations


Military forces / War efforts

We believe in peaceful protest and refrain from using violence at all times.

This means that The Queendom of Yavadaiya currently does not posses any sizeable or notable military forces, thus we will stay neutral and stand for conserving peace.

Geography and climate

The 0,34 km² land area of The Queendom of Yavadaiya lays in; The Netherlands and part in France.

The micronation has a Cf climate according to Köppen Climate Classification.