Kaniszh language

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The Kaniszh language is the official language of the Hurikanish Empire. The language has two forms: a classical form and a traditional form.


Within Kaniszh, verbs come first(e.g "How is the red dog" would be "Red dog how is he").


The alphabet of the Kaniszh language consists of 25 letters.

Capital letters
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q T R S W X Z 3 7
Lower case
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q t r s w x z 3 7

The aforementioned alphabet consists of the standard English alphabet(minus the letters "U',"V" and "Y"), in addition to two numerals that act as letters.

Lower case
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q t r s w x z 3 7
"ahh" "bau" "caw" "dein" "ief" "mkji" "ghou" "hey" "i" "ja" "kus" "lwa" "muy" "nou" "oi" "pok" "ka" "te" "roud" "es" "wok" "ex" "zoo" "jachj" "da"


The origin of the vocabulary of Kaniszh is unclear.

English Kaniszh
hello dassk
bye sta7
good morning riaso gijk kooz