Istrian Academy

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Academia Istriana
Founded 3 May 2005
Address Court St, Hamburg, Republic of Istriei
President Calafat Carina
Vice-presidents Binder Ioan
General Secretary Calafat Ioan
Fouders Theodor Adin

Gres Bianca

The Istrian Academy (Romanian: Academia Istriană) is a cultural forum founded in Hamburg, Istria, in 2005. It covers the scientific, artistic and literary domains.

According to its bylaws, the academy's main goals are the cultivation of Istrian language and Istrian literature, the study of the national history of Istria and research into major scientific domains. Some of the academy's fundamental projects are the literature descoveries, the historical events record, presidential sealing, royal records.


The Istrian Academy was found in 2005 after the communism fell in Istria as a remark of the importance of academic research and culture promoteing. The Istrian Academy became in recent years a promoteing factor of research in a big number of domains. The medical research centers, historical research centers, economics etc.


The first awarding of member of the Istrian Academy, was given post-mortum to HM Queen Sara I of Istria. Then a number of important members came to be awarded with this important title: