Flag Usage & Protection Decree (Blazdonia)

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Flag Usage and Protection Decree
A Royal Decree Regarding the Usage and Protection of Flags, Logos, and Symbols of the Government of the Kingdom of Blazdonia, and the King's and Prime Minister's Standard Flags
Territorial extentAll jurisdictions of Blazdonia
Enacted byRoyal Decree
Status: In force

The Flag Usage and Protection Decree is a Royal Decree issued by the King of the Kingdom of Blazdonia. It establishes guidelines for the proper usage and protection of the flags, logos, symbols, etc., associated with the government of Blazdonia. The Decree emphasizes the significance and respect to be accorded to the flag of the Kingdom of Blazdonia, the King's Standard flag, and the Prime Minister's Standard flag.

Flag Usage and Display

According to the Flag Usage and Protection Decree, the flag of the Kingdom of Blazdonia may be displayed at government buildings, schools, public institutions, and private residences. It is considered an official symbol of the government and must be treated with respect.

The King's Standard flag and the Prime Minister's Standard flag are reserved for specific locations. They may only be displayed at the official residence of the King and the Prime Minister, respectively, or when the King or Prime Minister is present in an official capacity. This includes occasions such as riding in a governmental vehicle or other official vehicle where their presence is of utmost importance.

Commercial and Non-Government Usage

The Decree prohibits the use of the flag of the Kingdom of Blazdonia, the King's Standard flag, and the Prime Minister's Standard flag for commercial purposes or any non-government-related event or activity. These flags are designated as official symbols and should not be used inappropriately.

Flag Protection

The Flag Usage and Protection Decree emphasizes the importance of protecting the flag of the Kingdom of Blazdonia, the King's Standard flag, and the Prime Minister's Standard flag from defacement, mutilation, or any form of disrespect. These flags hold significant symbolic value and must be treated with utmost reverence.

Enforcement and Consequences

The enforcement of the Flag Usage and Protection Decree is the responsibility of the government and the royal household. Any individual found guilty of violating this Royal Decree may face fines and/or imprisonment as determined by the Blazdonian judicial system.


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