Eight Stage Transition
The Eight Stage Transition is a scale by which Theodorists measure how close a society is to becoming Theodorist. It measures a society on a political and an economic scale each with eight steps, and is similar to the Progressive Revolution Theory of Erusia. When a society has reached Stage VIII on both scales, it is said to have reached Stage IX and be fully Theodorist.
Political Stages
Political Stage I
Society is ruled by a select group of individuals without the consent of the population, usually through means of force. Examples would be militarily occupied territories.
Political Stage II
Society is ruled by a select group of individuals. They may have the support of a significant proportion of the population, but rule is enforced through political repression and subduing of political dissent, with no attempts to measure true public support being made. An example would be North Korea.
Political Stage III
Society is ruled by officials which claim to be elected, but elections are sporadic and/or not considered to be free and fair. Political violence and corruption is commonplace. An example is the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
Political Stage IV
Society is ruled by ostensibly democratically elected representatives, but there is little or no power of recall and corruption is considered to be commonplace. Any monarchy has little public support and/or is unable to exercise any political power. An example is Senegal.
Political Stage V
Society is ruled by ostensibly democratically elected representatives, but there is little power of recall and election results are seldom directly proportional to votes cast. There may or may not be a monarchy. An example is the United Kingdom.
Political Stage VI
Society is ruled by democratically elected representatives, with election results roughly proportional to votes cast. There is a monarchy. An example is Norway.
Political Stage VII
Each level of government is comprised of officials elected from the level of government below - local government is directly elected by the residents of the respective locality. There is a monarch, which is regarded under law or popular opinion as some form of national personification. They may or may not recognise the Emperors as being primus inter pares. An example is Austenasia.
Political Stage VIII
The governmental structure is soviet democracy, in which all government offices are frequently elected in free, fair, and proportional elections. All ultimate power rests with the soviets. The monarch reigns with the full or near-full consent and support of the population and acknowledges the Emperors as primus inter pares.
Economic Stages
Economic Stage I
All wealth and property is owned by a monarch and/or aristocracy, or equivalent persons. There is a feudalistic society. An example is England from c. 700 to the late 1300s.
Economic Stage II
A feudalistic society may still legally exist, but the first signs of capitalism start to show as private industry becomes increasingly common in more and more forms throughout the nation. An example is England between the late 1300s and 1660.
Economic Stage III
Feudalism is abolished, but there is a distinct financial divide between social classes. Private industry is at the heart of the economy. An example is Great Britain between 1660 and 1948.
Economic Stage IV
The social and environmental consequences of capitalism are becoming clear. Notable gaps in income exist between the highest and lowest social classes, but there is overall more equality in this respect than there was in Economic Stage III. Socialist policies such as free healthcare, progressive taxation, and a welfare state begin to be introduced. An example is the United Kingdom since 1948.
Economic Stage V
Core socialist policies and ideals are implemented by the government, such as nationalisation of major industries and laws allowing the government to mercilessly pursue elements of the private sector that harm society.
Economic Stage VI
The nation is now a self-declared socialist state. Radical measures have been taken against the private sector, any surviving power of the upper class based on wealth, and the capitalist system as a whole. Society is sufficiently industrialised to allow for the capitalist system to be destroyed without crippling the industrial base of the nation.
Economic Stage VII
The nation is now a self-declared Theodorist state. The principles of workers' self management and jobs for all have been fully implemented by the government. Redistribution of income through taxation and welfare benefits to those who deserve it based on their contributions to society has begun to be implemented.
Economic Stage VIII
Social class may exist as a cultural institution, but it is not based on wealth, and all citizens have an achieved status rather than an ascribed status. Poverty has been eradicated. All citizens of the nation have a level of wealth roughly in proportion to their contribution to society.
Stage IX
The nation has reached both Political Stage VIII and Economic Stage VIII. The nation is Theodorist.