Draft:The Leafland Union

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The United States of Leafland
Flag of The Leafland Union
Coat of Arms of The Leafland Union
Coat of Arms
Motto: "ïùåüė Ûżė Ūôüęåùô!" (Leaflandic)
"Forever we shall stand" (English)
Anthem: "Dear People”

This is the Official Anthem of The United States of Leafland
Map of The United States of Leafland

Map of The United States of Leafland
LocationSt Sampson, Guernsey
and largest city
Leafland City
Official languagesEnglish, Leaflandic
Recognised regional languagesAba, Ada
• President
Joseph Tadd
• Vice President
Thomas Flatres-Donaldson
LegislatureThe Great Assembly
House of Leafland
House of Representatives
• Independence
22 September 2022
• United
29 November 2022
• United Fully
16 June 2023
• Total
2.7 km2 (1.0 sq mi)
• Water (%)
• 2024 estimate
• 2024 census
The United States of Leafland Population Census 2024
very high
CurrencyLeafland Dollar (LDOL)
Time zoneUTC+1 (LMT)
• Summer (DST)
Date formatdd/mm/yyyy
Driving sideleft
Calling code+44

The United States of Leafland, more commonly known as The Leafland Union, The USL or Leafland, is a micronation in Guernsey, an island just off the coast of northern France. The micronation was founded in 2022. Still to this day the micronation has survived many wars and is still attending to UGMN meetings to this day.

The United States of Leafland is a Presidential Democracy and at The Great Assembly, Members of the Great Assembly (MGA’s) will decide which opinion will make the country better, this is usually hosted in a courtroom, but, there is no jury.

Our foreign policy is that we’ll protect our citizens and environment for our future and future generations, so, we’ve banned plastic, anything that’s plastic is banned. We also have banned catfish because we want to stop an infestation from happening. Having strict animal laws is vital here as preventing rabies and other animal diseases is important for our happiness, safety and economy.


The Name ‘United States of Leafland’ came from the name ‘Leafland’ because when it was founded there were a bunch of leafs on the ground. There were thoughts of calling it Leafia, but it just sounded wrong. This became The Leafland Union when it was united for the first time. A new name of the country was being picked, the name ‘The United States of Leafland’ was chosen as it was better-sounding than the other names. People still call it by its old name, which the president doesn’t like.


The Founding

On the 22nd of September, 2022. Joseph Tadd Founded The Kingdom of Leafland, saying these exact words: “I shall declare this piece of land a newly formed kingdom. Leafland shall be its name.”

The First Crime

A few days after the founding, Co-Founder James Collins was banished from the country after breaking the law. The Original Crime is unknown but he was charged with 18 counts of Resisting Arrest.

The First Uniting

On the 29th of November, 2022. The Leafland Union United for the first time with the surrounding territories: Grassland, Dirtland, The Nothern Plot and Bubba’s Buffet. Bubbalend did not like this and a dispute was formed. A few days later, Puppet state Bedland joined The Leafland Union. The tension between Bubbalend and Leafland was rising.

The First War

At last, war broke out. The USL started to capture the country until over 90% of the country was captured, they retaliated, pushing back all the way to the border. After a short stalemate, Bubbalend pushed in near Bubbas Buffet and pushed upwards. Soon, the old capital was taken and Leafland Surrendered. In peace agreements, they decided that no land would be lost for either countries. Bubbalend won the but, even though there was a war, The friendship started to grow again.

The Final Uniting

On the 16th of June, 2023. The Leafland Union united with The Finn Greening State. Finn Later left the country and The state was named after him. Since then, this state has become an amazing place to visit, though access is limited, the new landmark, the holy bush, is now beautiful and the religion is the second biggest in the country.

Politics and government

Early government

Before Leafland was United, Leafland's proper name was “The Kingdom of Leafland” because the country was a “Democratic Monarchy”. In this time, The Kingdom was small, and didn’t have the right technology to explore and map the surrounding areas. The Government was not rich at all, but still it managed to carry on.

Head of government

Our Head of Government is the president, he confirms new laws, he has the final decision on what all states do, he controls the money spending and the currency and decides what to do with foreign relationships. Our President is the inspiration for the entire nation. As he was the first one in his parish, to stand firm with his goals and ideas. Making a nation, we our all proud of, for us.


The Legislature of The USL is The Great Assembly. Though being the Legislature of The United States of Leafland. The Legislature technically doesn’t exist, but the simple answer is that, it does.

House of Leafland (upper)

The House of Leafland is the upper house of our Legislative branch, here five chosen candidates help decide what the country does. A debate is held the day after Independence Day, where each candidate proves his points to a Legislatorial Judge, if he is impressed, he passes the points on to the President. If the President likes the ideas, he puts them into action.

House of Representatives (lower)

The House of Representatives is the lower house of our Legislative branch, each Representative is from each state. These representatives vote for five candidates (out of ten) to go up to the upper legislative branch. They have a week to show how they do in the upper branch, then a vote is held.

Law and order

The Great National Court, Located in Leafland City, is the main court and it follows Guernsey law. Though there are a few rules that are different. Such as, you’re allowed to vote at any age and the speed limit is 20 MPH. There is currently no official prison in The USL but deportation and detentions are used.


This is a section about the Army. The Leafland Military is the Official Military of The United States of Leafland, established in June 2023, it was designed to defend the country, but in recant months, the army included attacking forces. The Leafland Military consists of 5 people. Two Troops, Two Elite Troops and 1 General. It has a vast selection of weapons and even has drones. The Troops have courses that they need to complete for training. Such as, a course in which you have to traverse the side of a steep slope. Known as “Trainee’s Hill”. The Military is under direct command of the President, who is the Head of The Military. The country isn’t ruled by the Military, it's ruled by the Government, just the President is the Head of the Military. It's a separate thing. There isn't only one military group though, there is another private one (that is still official) for the President. It's Called The President's Private Military Service (PPMS) and it was established in June 2024. The Group is intended to Protect the President, just like the Secret Service in America, but with a few differences. The oddest role is The Flag Man role, their job is to hold the flag and protect the President.

Army Ranks

1. General (Head of the Army)

2. Lieutenant - Roles: Guard, Reserve, Active.

3. Soldier/Elite Soldiers - Roles: Flag Man, Guard, Reserve, Active.

4. Privates/Elite Privates - Roles: Flag Man, Guard, Reserve, Active.


The Leafland Union has only two ministries. These ministries are only used in The Leafland Military, not the PPMS. These are designed to aid and organise the Military during war.

Ministry of Defence

The ministry of defence is responsible for defence and defence plans in the The United States of Leafland. It was established on 20 June 2023 under the Ministry Act to manage defending the country, building defences and making plans to defend the country during war.

Ministry of Attack

The ministry of attack is responsible for managing the attack in war and the plans for it in The United States of Leafland. It was established on 20 June 2023 under the Ministry Act to manage attacking the country’s we are at war with and building attack helicopters, vehicles and planes etc, the production of guns are also under their control. Very recently a Military Drone called DR1 was tested. The Military hasn’t said anything about it, though footage does exist online. The Military have responded to the footage saying, “This is Illegal and Leaked footage, it is being removed from the internet immediately. The people at fault will be arrested and put to detention time for up to a full two days.”

Nation Codes

Organisation Code Type Code
UGMN Two Letter Code LD
UGMN Three Letter Code USL

Administrative regions

Photo of Bedland and Leafland

The USL has 3 States. Leafland is the First One. Located in the Mainland, This is the land of the old Leafland Union. It contains: The Old Mine, Bubba’s Buffet (The Sponsor of Leafland FC), The Old Capital, the lowest point in the entire Mainland, (Fort Pembroke contains the lowest point in the country) and One half of Border City.

The Finn Greening State is the second one. This state is controls the areas of Swagnation, a nation that was founded by Sir Finn Greening. The state was named after him after he moved to a different country. This nation contains the other half of Border City, The shed, and The Holy Bush.

Rootland is the final of the three, It was founded by Sir Levi Hill, who has also moved to a different country. It was named because there were roots in the ground. Mini houses were built there, they became a landmark of The USL until they were knocked down in a storm. Sir Levi has returned but sadly couldn’t join back. He remains a citizen though because of the work he’s done.

The USL also has 1 Puppet State and a few territories. Bedland is the Puppet state, it is has its own separate branch of the government. The Leader is Gabriel Snow and he has done some improvements to the land in that area.

The Territory’s are: L.C.T, Lake Leafland, UK Residences and Fort Pembroke.

The Leafland Capital Territory (The L.C.T) Is home to the capital city, Leafland City. The Territory is under direct control The Capital and is the location of the only car (go-cart).

The UK Residences are property owned by citizens in the UK. The USL does not own these, but have ties to the land, making them territories.

Lake Leafland is the only lake in The USL, this lake is regional and not permanent but it’s still a land mark. Located near the Peninsula Hotel.

Fort Pembroke is a Military Fort located on the beach of Pembroke, It is the lowest point in The USL and changes location time to time.


This is a section intended on providing information about the geography of The United States of Leafland.


The United States of Leafland is bellow 100 Meters above sea level. The highest point of the country is Mt. Leafland’s Summit, Located in Mainland Leafland. The Lowest point is Fort Pembroke at only 2 Meters above sea level. The country is mostly flat, according to the Leafland Land Management Authority (LLMA), and that the land scape isn’t that “interesting” in how hilly it is.


The United States of Leafland experiences a balanced amount of rainfall and sun shine all year round. According to the Leafland Weather Station, The summer is usually warmer than Britain because of how close The USL is to Mainland Europe which experiences more warmer temperatures during the summer.

Foreign Relations

This section includes all foreign relations with other nations and micronations. This includes recognised and unrecognised nations. All UN members are recognised except the ones listed in Refused Recognition.

Unilateral Recognition

Mutual Recognition

This section contains all nations that both we and them recognise each other. Meaning a friendship is formed or just a general thing.

Refused recognition


The United States of Leafland currently has no exports. The only imports are food, water and other appliances. A mine used to exist at the bottom of Mt. Leafland, but a Barley Factory does exist. This isn’t exported though and is only used for needs of the country. One business is located next to the Barley Factory called Bubba’s Buffet and serves delicious food for Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. The Currency is called The Leafland Dollar (Ⱡ). All the official bills are located in The Reserve Bank of Leafland.


The country doesn’t have a proper education system, only a military training school. The spoken languages are: Leaflandic, English, Aba and Ada. Aba and Ada are just gibberish with words that are sort of English that mean different things. For example: ‘Piza’ means Peace. Leaflandic is a proper language. You can locate the page about it on our website. Leafland News is the News Source of the entire country. They have News papers and are planning to get a TV Channel. There is currently no television in The country but plans for television are being discussed. Customs is not strict at all because of the UGMN Freedom Act, Article 25: Borders must not keep people out but just be a simple line on the ground. Anyone should have the right to enter and exit freely without being stopped at a checkpoint.


Date Name Remarks
1 April - 7 April Spring break The Spring
20 July - 4 September Summer Holiday The Summer
22 September Independence Day The Independence of The United States of Leafland
29 September Unity Day The First Uniting of The United States of Leafland, when the paper was signed
20 December - 10 January Christmas Holiday Christmas


If information can be added to this, add it please. That would be very appreciated.

See Also

External links