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Addison Dillon, the inventor of Dillonism.

Dillonism is a far-left political ideology that evolved in Bonumland during the early 21st century, advocating for direct democracy, collectivism, collective ownership and communitarianism. It is frequently compared to modern forms of libertarian socialism, although it differs in that it encourages direct revolution as a means of improving society within one's state.

The Dillonist form of government is the official government system of the Union of Rivieria, a micronation that Dillon herself founded. It is most popular elsewhere in Bonumland where the nation is mostly left-leaning.


Model government under Dillonism

  • All citizens would have the opportunity to directly influence national policy via a free and fair public vote
  • The government will be divided into 3 tiers with democratically elected leaders; at the highest tier is the head of state whose only duty is to represent the nation and to initiate public votes; at the second tier are democratically elected elders of varying quantity who draft and pass legislation for a public vote as well as exercise judicial powers; at the lowest tier are ordinary citizens of the nation who may influence policy through public votes