Castello di Valle Treaty

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Castello di Valle Treaty (CVT)

Front page of the treaty

Created 2 September 2014 in Lomellina Consolato

Ratified 1 or 2 September 2014 in Castello di Valle

Current Location Lomellina Consolato, Lomellina

Author(s) D. Guilherme I

Signatories Gabriel N. Pelger
Shady Morsi
James-Robert Knight
Artan I
Ariel Yaari
Thomas I

Purpose Helping diplomatic relations between the micronations, with a general focus on its own member states, being cultural, security, scientific or foreign improvement.

The Castello di Valle Treaty also commonly abbrieviated as CVT is a diplomatic alliance signed by a group of 8 micronations on 1 September 2014 (de jure) or 2 September 2014 (de facto) in the capital city of Lomellina, Castello di Valle. The treaty is a post-result of the dissolved Intercontinental Micronational Alliance, a mistaken organization created with the same objective of a diplomatic treaty. The treaty was signed with the aim of helping diplomatic relations between the micronations, with a general focus on its own member states, being cultural, security, scientific or foreign improvement.



See also