Constitution of Novus

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The Constitution of Novus Khanate

The Novan People, mindful of their responsibility towards the human race, resolved to stand united so as to strengthen liberty, democracy, independence and peace in a spirit of solidarity and openness towards the world, determined to live together with mutual consideration and respect for their diversity, conscious of their common achievements and their responsibility towards future generations, and in the knowledge that only those who use their freedom remain free, and that the strength of a people is measured by the well-being of its weakest members; adopt the following Constitution:


Article 1.

Novus is an independent State representing the interests of all the people of Novus.

Article 2.

Novus is a nomadic State struggling to gain a homeland for its people for their freedom and well-being.

Article 3.

The sovereignty of the Novan nation resides in its people. The people exercise power through their representative organ ― the Khans, and by their own voice.

Article 4.

The Novan State shall champion the democratic national rights of Novans everywhere and their rights recognized by the international law as well as their interests.

Article 5.

Independence, peace, and friendship are the basic ideals of the foreign policy and the principles of external activities of the Novan State. The State shall establish diplomatic as well as political, economic, and cultural relations with all friendly countries, on principles of complete equality, independence, mutual respect, non-interference in each other's affairs and mutual benefit.

Article 6.

The law of Novus reflects the wishes and interests of the people and is a basic instrument for State administration. Respect for the law and its adherence and execution is the duty of all institutions, enterprises, organizations, and citizens.


Section 1 - Legislative Power

Article 7.

Legislative power is exercised by the Khans and in conjunction with the citizens of Novus.

Article 8.

A law is enacted if decreed by the Khans United, or if one of the Khans and at least half of the citizenry vote in favour of it.

Article 9.

A law can be rescinded by the Khans United, or if one of the Khans and at least half of the citizenry vote in favour of it.

Article 10.

All citizens may propose laws.

Article 11.

A law proposal must be put to a general vote if requested by one-third of the population.

Article 12.

Amendments and changes to this constitution must have the support of the Khans United and at least a three-fourth majority of the citizenry.

Section 2 - Executive Power

Article 13.

The Khans United is the highest organ of State power in Novus.

Article 14.

Executive powers rests solely in the hands of the Khans and their chosen representatives.

Section 3 - The Khans

Article 15.

Both Khans are elected individually on the principle of universal, equal, and direct suffrage by secret ballot.

Article 16.

The Khans are elected for life.

Article 17.

A Khan might resign at any time, for any reason.

Article 18.

A Khan may be forced to resign if the other Khan in conjunction with a three-fourth majority of the citizens vote in favour.

Article 19.

Any citizen may request the resignation of a Khan.


Article 20.

In Novus, the rights and duties of citizens are based on the congruence between the collectivist principle; “One for all and all for one.” and the liberal principle; "My freedom stops where yours start."

Article 21.

The State shall effectively guarantee democratic rights and liberties as well as the material and cultural well-being of all its citizens.

Article 22.

Citizens enjoy equal rights in all spheres of State and public activity, irrespective of sex, gender, sexual preference, race, occupation, length of residence, property status, education, party affiliation, political views, or religion.

Article 23.

All Citizens who have reached the age of 18 have the right to elect and to be elected, irrespective of sex, gender, sexual preference, race, occupation, length of residence, property status, education, party affiliation, political views, or religion.

Article 24.

Citizens are guaranteed freedom of speech, of the press, of assembly, demonstration, and association. The State shall guarantee conditions for the activity of democratic political parties and social organizations.

Article 25.

Citizens have freedom of religious beliefs. Religion must not be used as a pretext for drawing in foreign forces or for harming the State and social order. Beliefs are not a substitute for scientific fact.

Article 26.

The terms for becoming a citizen of Novus are defined by the Law on Nationality. The Khans United might cancel citizenships at any time if a citizen’s actions conflict with this constitution or any established laws.

Article 27.

A citizen is under the protection of Novus regardless of the domicile.

Article 28.

Citizens are entitled to submit complaints and petitions. The State shall fairly investigate and deal with complaints and petitions as fixed by law.

Article 29.

Citizens have the right to work. The State is under no obligation to create or provide paid employment for its Citizens.

Article 30.

All able-bodied citizens choose occupations in accordance with their wishes and skills unless the occupation is explicitly prohibited by law.

Article 31.

Citizens have the right to relaxation. This right is ensured by the establishment of the working hours, the provision of holidays and paid leave.

Article 32.

Citizens are entitled to medical care, and all persons who are no longer able to work because of old age, illness, or a physical disability, the old and children who have no means of support are all entitled to material assistance.

Article 33.

Citizens have the right to education.

Article 34.

Citizens are free to engage in scientific, literary, and artistic pursuits. Copyright, inventions, and patents shall be protected by law.

Article 35.

Citizens have freedom of residence and travel.

Article 36.

Citizens shall willingly, and if they are able, participate in work or other activity that benefit the State and the society.

Article 37.

Marriage and the family shall be protected by the State. The State sets no precedent on the definition of marriage other than that all involved parties must be consenting adults. A marriage may be cancelled by any involved party at any time for any reason. A family unit is any composition of adults and children in close relations.


The State has as of this time no means as to provide the rights stipulated in article 21, 27, 29, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 37 rendering these rights null and void. The State will however work tirelessly on establishing such means in future. The State has no power over internal issues in foreign nations even if such nations harbours citizens of Novus.