Constitution of Norbritonia

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Constitution of Norbritonia
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Constitution of Norbritonia
Created29 December 2022
SystemUnitary presidental republic under an anocracy
Government structure
ChambersNational Assembly
JudiciarySupreme Court
Electoral collegeNo

The Constitution of Norbritonia is the supreme law of the Republic of Norbritonia, and serves as the foundation for the legal and political system of the nation. It is the first and only constitution that has been adopted by the Republic, and outlines the rights and responsibilities of the government, as well as the rights and protections afforded to the citizens of Norbritonia. The Constitution establishes the structure and powers of the government, and sets forth the procedures for the creation and amendment of laws. It is a critical document that shapes the governance and operations of the Republic of Norbritonia

Constitution of Norbritonia

Article 1: The Republic

This Constitution establishes the Republic as a unitary presidential republic under an anocracy. The government of the Republic shall consist of a President and a Prime Minister, who shall be the head of state and head of government, respectively.

Article 2: The President

The President shall hold office for life and shall be responsible for the overall administration of the government. The President shall have the power to appoint the Prime Minister, subject to the approval of the national Assembly. The President can also fire anyone in the National Assembly with a valid reason.

Article 3: The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the President and shall be responsible for the day-to-day administration of the government. The Prime Minister shall serve as the head of government and shall be accountable to the President and the national Assembly.

Article 4: The national Assembly

The national Assembly shall be the legislative body of the Republic and shall consist of elected representatives. The Assembly shall have the power to make laws and approve the appointments of the President and Prime Minister.

Article 5: Anocracy

The Republic shall be governed under an anocracy, in which the government combines elements of both democracy and authoritarian rule. The government shall be accountable to the people, while also having the power to make decisions without the consent of the Assembly.

Article 6: Amendment

This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds vote of the national Assembly, with the approval of the President.

Article 7: Protection of Human Rights

The Republic recognizes the inherent dignity and worth of every individual and shall not discriminate against any person on the grounds of race, color, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status.