Commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the Foundation of the Penn Federal Republic

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Commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the Foundation of the Penn Federal Republic
Ribbon of the award.
Awarded forCommemoration of two years of Pennian soverignty.
Presented byPresident (Penn)
Established21 February 2023
First awardedSuryadeva Kapei

The Commemoration of the Second Anniversary of the Foundation of the Penn Federal Republic, is a commemorative award in commemoration of two years of development of the Penn Federal Republic, the individuals awarded provided significant advancements to the Pennian state, or whose ideas and principles influenced aspects of the nation.[1]





  1. Sertor Valentinus was awarded with reference to his office in an intermicronational organization rather than a single country as all other recipients, "Sertor Valentinus - His Excellency, Superior Judge, Cupertino Alliance." (Purcell, 2)
  1. Purcell, Devin. "Issue of Awards and Commemorations, Feb 2023" Google Docs. Accessed 22 February 2023.