Averan-McKeenist Zeprana Relations

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Averan-McKeenist Zeprana relations
Map indicating locations of Averna and Zeprana

Republic of Averna

Commonwealth of Zeprana

Averan-McKeenist Zeprana relations are very bad as both of the states historys with each other, and with the Republic of Averna seeing McKeenist Zeprana as a fake immature state Averna does not regonize McKeenist Zeprana despite its President Terry McKeen III attempts to make things better between the two states.

Relations between the two states have been bad since the collapse of the Republic of Finlandia, which is modern day Averna because of McKeenist Zeprana's leader being the reason for the collapse of Finlandia and Richmondia, and it does not help that Terry McKeen III has seen Grant Taylor the Averan Precedent President as its current leader because the current averan leader President Ms. Elizabeth Snowie Langley, and the Averan leader does not respect or like the McKeenist ideology ideas of removing womens rights.

Before the two states hated each other, McKeenist Zeprana and Early Averna used to be allies and then got strained with the collapse of Richmondia and formation of the Republic of Finlandia but Finlandia became allies with zeprana for a short time before it met its end.


Averan Perspective

The Richmondian - Zepranan relations were very close as Terry McKeen III was part of the Richmondian Government which the two states remained close until Terry McKeen caused the collapse of Richmondia and the formation of Finlandia. After the formation of Finlandia, President Taylor stated the following:

"Im Sorry for our little micronation to collapse so soon but its for the best everyone! Those Commonwealth of Zeprana Scum Messed with the wrong nation and they will Pay!"

— President Taylor of Finlandia, Finlandian Response to collapse of Richmondia

which this quote made the Zepranan government who thought of the quote at first at a act of war mad.

Map of Finlandia after Zeprana joined

For a short time Zepranan relations stopped as Zeprana joined Finlandia divided Zeprana in two but when North Zeprana was given a different Govoner, Terry McKeen Seceded and caused Finlandia to collapse, which made President Taylor to create a fake nation to distract Terry McKeen while Grant thought of a new nation to actuly create, but the fake nation was the Republic of Lazvia which was disbaned after the foundation of the Republic of Averna as it no longer served a purpose, and Lazvia had no further reason to exist with the Republic of Averna's creation on March 29th 2022.

After the founding of Averna, Averna joined the Dilu War against the Kingdom of Zeprana which after the war Terry McKeen III claimed Averna as fake before later trying to fix relations which failed as President Taylor stated the following:

McKeen is no man to trust, McKeen is no monarchist, he is just red, or a "NAZI" by the way he acts always wanting more land and hating people for their identity.

— President Taylor

which for a short time Zeprana and Averna after started to get along again before Averna cut all relations with Zeprana after its permant ban from the United New England Micronations, then later the document of the UNEM to ban Terry McKeen from the UNEM or any nation that harbors McKeen will be banned which Averna started the document which passed later that day.

After the Averan Split Event, The Republic of Avyanna and Taijana and Free State of New Manila were declared war on by the Federal Republic of Arcadia in the 2022 Arcadian War of Liberation which even after the war ended and Averna reunited, the war's results were left disputed.