Anthems of Verd'land

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Peculiarity of Verd'landian microstate is a fact that it has plenty of musical tracks which can be used as national anthems.

"Arumiɩ Rem"

Arumiɩ Rem
The golden star

National anthem of Verd'land
Former national anthem of
LyricsG. Hãkiut, 2016-2018
MusicAlfonso X of Castile, 1221-1284
Adopted01.10.2016 (in Vladislavia)
Audio sample
Anthems of Verd'land

"The golden star" (Verd'landian: "Arumiɩ Rem") was the national anthem of Verd'landian Republic of Vladislavia, and now is a main anthem of Verd'land. In different periods of time it has had the different lyrics and amount of verses.


The first months of Verd'landian micronation existing were linked with problems of total symbolic's absence. Flag of Vladislavia was designed quickly, but there still was problem of anthem and coats of arms.

Vladislav Chokin have searched for adoptable tune in fixed genre (medieval/celtic), and after some time he found recording of "Schelmish" band, containing exactly needed melody - in right style and with absent lyrics. By the way, original recording had to be edited, but this issue was solved very quickly, whereas writing of lyrics was harder. For all history of anthem they were changed several times due to general improvements and country's location changings.

Text for Verd'land

Created in 9 June 2018 and replaced text of Vladislavian anthem which was outdated. New lyrics are written with usage of latest Verd'landian vocabulary and grammar rules.

Plot of song's verses shows the coming future of the Verd'land's creator and song's author, Vladislav Chokin. He states that it also refers to all nation but without mention that at the moment of lyrics' creation he was the only person calling himself Verd'landian, so this song stays to be factually autobiographical.

Fennec and fox, the main characters of song, are an usual embodiment of Verd'landians, more precisely, two types of national mindset — Estuarian (relatively enclosed person with complicated nature, creativity, spiritual feelings or so one) and general (positive and conflict-free person) accordingly. A character of "white lion" refers to Czech state and people.

Original lyrics English translation
Zati neviɩ suntẽlarɩ oranẽnɩ an slorỹɩ slaft und kvorgiɩ kliftɩat,
Fanak und vulpirɩ sẽ intẽlenɩ: irgỹn taɩn vetẽštɩ in fie landɩat,
Varu naorenɩ friehatuar, varu dorisẽnɩ alle korigat,
Zatarẽnɩ irgỹn zargiɩ hevaht, karẽ korlanɩ veufuhtiɩ suflurɩat.
Zu bɩortanɩ an Vẽrdɩlandiɩ Carã und arumiɩ rem rãunɩ in melinɩ,
Krefmaliɩ ortit aleotɩat foritẽnɩ in marỹɩ korful Bogemiɩ,
Le norẽ und forɩ allegezaht vẽrdiɩ bukur gimafla zarfoīnɩ?..

Nɩoritalỹɩ, nɩotẽrgitỹɩ marỹɩ arumiɩ rem livecɩ in hartɩat,
Tu ogara irgỹn feniɩ reul nɩo vetẽštɩ kreastɩat orɩ čergenɩat,
Liveštɩ sẽ arit, troruar, glemaur, vetẽlimt kengit in vẽrdiɩ gɩedat,
Und Verdul isfire salɩvarẽštɩ giranɩat dẽ Čehat und dẽ Vẽrdɩlandɩat!
Since the sunrise colored in orange the ancient bridge and fortress' riversides,
Fennec and fox have understood: their home will be in these lands,
Where freedom began, and where all roads have met,
Had ended their own hell which left the wounded souls.
So had been born a Verd'landian State and the golden star rose into blueness,
The stiff folded wings have opened out in great Bohemian city,
Had right now and forever the emerald happiness finally took over?

Unrepeatable, invincible and great golden star lives in hearts,
There aren't rainclouds nor thunders to stop its brightful ray,
There will live a word, a thought, a pride, being sung in the emerald songs,
And Verd will surely save the nations of the Czechs and Verd'landians!

Text for Vladislavia

Its last edition was adopted on 22 September 2017.

Original lyrics English translation
Varu keveriɩ alɩbiɩ levul versedanɩ an kungul dẽ hoemat,
Varu irg kardacɩ marẽsk din kvorga la irgỹn gloritỹɩ, marỹɩ landɩat,
Varu gimecɩ an feniɩ reul vɩorỹn slariɩ rẽdiɩ suntẽlalilor,
Varu kommẽnɩ fanak und vulpirɩ tu nẽicɩ anitiɩ taɩn irgatilor...
Akolo vetẽcɩ Vladislaviɩa - nɩoritalỹɩ, gloritỹɩ landɩa,
Zẽmra dẽ hogiorut tẽriɩ zem umbrat dẽ garɩat und flamur vẽrdiɩ,
Karẽ girtilecɩ allegezaht - ferihɩ aprinẽcɩ an rem arumiɩ.

Nɩoritalỹɩ, brudsihheriɩ, marỹɩ arumiɩ rem livecɩ in harcɩat,
In harcɩat dẽ gloritỹɩ hoemat dẽ gloritỹɩ giranɩ - dẽ Vẽrdɩlandɩat!
Versedanɩ irg an hatarỹɩ čɩargul karẽ vimidarẽcɩ nɩoferičirɩa,
Vetẽcɩ rem fie - minỹɩ maīhacɩ - Vẽrdɩlandiɩ Carã Vladislaviɩa!
Where a mighty white lion became a king for people,
Where he proudly looks round from fortress on his glorious great lands,
Where borns a brightful ray of our fairy red sunrise,
Where fennec and fox have came to raise their only home...
There is Vladislavia - unrepeatable, glorious land,
Place of eternal calmness under shadow of trees and green flag,
Which flies ever - till shines a golden star.

Unrepeatable, unbreakable and great golden star lives in hearts,
In hearts of glorious people of glorious nation - of Verd'landians!
It became a holy mascot which wipes misfortune out,
This star - is my homeland - Verd'landian State of Vladislavia!

"Kde domov můj?" and "Lime nivat čergenɩ"

"Kde domov můj?" and "Lime nivat čergenɩ"
"Where is my home?"
and "Storm beyond the meadows..."

United anthem of Czech Republic & Verd'land
 Czech Republic & w:Slovakia Slovak Republic
Former national anthem of
LyricsJ. K. Tyl, 1834 & G. Hãkiut, 2017
MusicFrantišek Škroup, 1834 & folk tune
Audio sample
Anthems of Verd'land

"Where is my home?" and "The storm beyond a meadow" (Verd'landian: "Varu minỹɩ taɩn?" und "Lime niva čergenɩ"; Czech: "Kde domov můj?" a "Za loukou bouří") is the anthem of Czechoslovakia, reedited for purposes of Verd'landian Republic of Vladislavia. Its first purpose is usage in ceremonies, however this song can confuse or even offend Czechs and Slovaks.

The first part of this anthem is actual anthem of Czech Republic. It has Verd'landian translation, but its usage is not recommended.

Second part is imported from anthem of Verd'landian country, called "Furristic People's Republic of Verd'land", which was written on music of Slovak "Volunteers song". In this variant, only the first verse is used. Singing of other ones is possible without Czech part only, but still is not recommended by Rixdag - other verses can be undeservedly offensive for Czechs.

This variant was adopted in 1 September 2017, when leader of Vladislavia once again have changed final location of country, accordingly to his possible studying and living in Czechia.


Main articles: Kde domov můj and Nad Tatrou sa blýska


Czech part Verd'landian part Translation
Kde domov můj?
Kde domov můj?
Voda hučí po lučinách,
Bory šumí po skalinách,
V sadě skví se jara květ,
Zemský ráj to na pohled!
A to je ta krásná země,
Země česká domov můj!
Landɩa Čehiɩ — minỹɩ taɩn!
Where is my home?
Where is my home?
Water runs in the meadows,
Forests rustle on rocks,
In garden there is brightful blossom,
It looks like heaven on the Earth!
And this is my beautiful land,
Czech land — is my home!
Czech land — is my home!
Lime niva — čergenɩ
Fulgerɩat aredacɩ.
Lime niva — čergenɩ
Fulgerɩat aredacɩ.
Ogarazi, froɩndɩat,
Irgỹn zaronɩat,
He voretẽcɩ moīrtacɩ!
Ogarazi, froɩndɩat,
Irgỹn zaronɩat,
He voretẽcɩ moīrtacɩ!
The storm beyond a meadow
Is throwing lighters.
The storm beyond a meadow
Is throwing lighters.
Stop, my friends,
Their rumbles,
Which are bringing death!
Stop, my friends,
Their rumbles,
Which are bringing death!

"Vokul Vẽrdɩlandielor"

Vokul Vẽrdɩlandielor
"Voice of Verd'land"

Ethnic anthem of Verd'landians
(possibly folk tune)
Audio sample
Anthems of Verd'land

The "Voice of Verd'land" (Verd'landian: "Vokul Vẽrdɩlandielor") is a simple medieval-styled melody which is a first ever known representative song of Verd'landians as nation. Its origins are unknown. Most likely it originally is a Swedish folk song.
