One Hour War

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The One Hour War
Date(25th of July, 2021)
South of the Province of Stark
Result New English Victory
Libertarian Republic of New England Nova Valco

The One Hour War, or also known as the Final Offensive was a conflict between the Libertarian Republic of New England and Nova Valco, resulting in a New English victory, and the official downfall of the junta.


Nova Valco, is not only it had officially begun when Nova Valco bribed a pirate militia to destroy and sink the TPS Cork, which they expected them to be feared. Instead, all of New England was angered by the loss of their pride ship and declares war against the junta. Franklin Cosmo, the Libertarian candidate says the iconic words that'll describe the conflict with only a few words; "Nova Valco must be destroyed!"

The Final Offensive

The Republican army was first to hold the line. It didn't take long for the main force to arrive at the trenches for the last time. However, they are going to use everything they've got to completely obliterate the militia. And since the republic is no longer worried about the northern checkpoint, now the elites can take their own actions, as they always wanted in the first place.

The elites wasted no time going on the offensive, as they not only outperformed the lesser-trained militia but had also destroyed the homes and any infrastructure that the junta had, stabbing Nova Valco in the back. After an hour of the obliteration of the ultra-nationalist state, the dictator's headquarters was stormed and he was shot dead, bullets all over his body.