Chiefdoms of Wilton First School

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Between 1995 and 2002, several small, non-sovereign polities traditionally referred to as chiefdoms existed within the grounds of Wilton First School, England, which are considered the origin of the Kingdom of Wilcsland. The chiefdoms were populated by young school children and ruled by "chieftens" (a traditional misspelling of "chieftain" in Wilcslandian historiography). Record of the chiefdoms has survived mostly through oral history, with what little could be remembered of them committed to writing in late 2010.


Chiefdom of the Plains

The Chiefdom of the Plains was the dominant power in the area around the year 1995, establishing hegemony over the neighbouring chiefdoms to such a degree that the Chieften of the Plains assumed the title "Great Chieften".

The only known Chieften of the Plains was Nectombetec I, but there may very well have been others before and after him. He was however the only chief to hold the title of Great Chieften until Nectombetec II, suggesting that after his reign the Chiefdom of the Plains lost its dominance over the neighbouring chiefdoms.

There are no surviving details of the reign of Nectombetec I beyond his leadership of the Chiefdom of the Plains circa 1995 and his assumption of the title Great Chieften. Whether he had successors as Chieften of the Plains or not is unknown, but the Chiefdom of the Plains had ceased to exist by 1998. However, the dominance it held over the area resulted in the three other chiefdoms listed in this article regarding themselves as successor states of sorts to it, despite perhaps having existed in rudimentary forms alongside it.

Eastern Chiefdom

The Eastern Chiefdom existed from 1998 (but may have been older) until its conquest by the Chiefdom of the Sun the following year. Despite its name, it was in fact situated to the west of the Chiefdoms of the Sun and Moon.

The first known Eastern Chieften was Djoser I, but there may very well have been others before him. The last Eastern Chieften was Tupocktuloctenak, whose reign ended with the conquest of the Chiefdom by Nectombetec II. It is thought that the "Kingdom of North Bank" (which had relations with South Bank and existed c. 2002 - 2004) may have been related to or inspired by the Eastern Chiefdom.

List of known Chieftens:

Chiefdom of the Moon

The Chiefdom of the Moon was a chiefdom that existed from 1998 (but may have been older) until its conquest by the Chiefdom of the Sun the following year. Based just south of the Chiefdom of the Sun, the Chiefdom of the Moon is notable for having led the defence of the local tribes under Olcut II against an attack of outsiders in 1999.

The first known Chieften of the Moon was Olcut I, but there may very well have been others before him. The last Chieften of the Moon was Olcut III, whose reign ended when the Chiefdom was conquered by Nectombetec II.

List of known Chieftens:

Chiefdom of the Sun

The Chiefdom of the Sun was a chiefdom that existed from 1998 until its transition into the Kingdom of South Bank in 2002. It was based under a large tree.

The only Chieftens of the Sun whose names are remembered are Temecbo and Nectombetec II, but there may very well have been others before them. Nectombetec II conquered the surrounding chiefdoms in 1999, assuming the title Great Chieften after his namesake and unifying the chiefdoms under the authority of the Chiefdom of the Sun.

On 1 May 2002, Nectombetec II moved the Chiefdoms to an area slightly south west of their original sites, and founded the Kingdom of South Bank out of the unified populations, taking the title of His Majesty King Declan I. He continued to bear the titles Great Chieften and Chieften of the Sun until the collapse of South Bank's successor state Wilcsland in 2014.

List of known Chieftens: